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  Forum Rules

By clicking "I Agree" on the Registration Form, you signify that you understand your conditions of forum membership and your intent to abide by the following simple Forum Rules :

  • Not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, racist, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of ANY law.

  • Indicating race, colour, or creed when using the forum to inform members of alleged illegal activity you have either witnessed or heard about is not acceptable and will be treated as an attempt to incite racial intolerence and acted upon accordingly.

  • Not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or you have consent from the owner of the copyrighted material.

  • Any form of pornography is banned, and if found, will consititute total removal of the Forum Member's privileges from this site, as well as every endeavour will be made to ensure this ex-Member never re-joins this forum.

  • Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also inappropriate to the FSA Forum.

  • You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless, the FSA Forum, its Volunteer Staff, and any related websites to this Forum. We at the FSA Forum also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or any information we have about you) in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any information posted by you.

  • The use of "file" photographs or film footage indicating factual catch information is NOT permitted UNLESS a rider stating this fact is added to the post. The FSA Management Team reserves the right to edit any material it deems breaches this rule.

  • With this user account you have registered with, you agree to never give your password out to another member, for your protection and for validity reasons, and you are only allowed only to have ONE account.

  • You agree not to allow a previous member who has been BANNED by, to access this Forum. Proxying is not permitted and once discovered, the Member will BE REMOVED, without notice.

  • You also agree to NEVER use another member's account to post messages or browse this forum, or allow any other person to use your account.

  • You can fill out a Detailed Personal Profile. It is your responsibility to present clean and accurate information. Any information we deem inaccurate or vulgar will be removed. Please note that with each post, your IP address is recorded, in the event that you need to be banned from the FSA Forum or your ISP contacted. This will only happen in the event of a major violation of these Rules.

  • Advertising including website urls within the signature area IS NOT permitted unless you are an official FSA Sponsor or have been granted special dispensation in writing. The FSA Management Team reserves the right to edit or remove any unauthorised advertising within the signature panel without notice.

  • Do not purposely trigger other people on these boards... swearing is censored.

  • Do not initiate arguments or tension. This will only cause the triggering of other members and make this site unsafe. We will remove anyone who explicitly ignores this rule.

  • Please put a sufficient warning on all material that could upset or offend other members. The FSA Management Team reserves the right to edit any material it deems unsuitable.

  • Both families and minors frequent this forum. Effort should be made by each member towards ensuring that any form of profanity is not used within posts, whether such profanity be explicit, implied, via acronyms or otherwise. The FSA Management Team reserves the right to edit any material in posts that it deems unsuitable.

  • The promotion, posting or advertising of any form of illegal activity, whether it be pertaining to recreational angling or otherwise, is not permitted. The FSA Management Team reserves the right to either edit or remove said advertising from the post, or the post itself, without notice.

  • Inappropriate comments that criticize members who make reports concerning the taking of "legal" fish will not be tollerated under any circumstances. Those that practice Catch and Release "only" must not impose their views on those who wish to take their catch home to eat.

  • The linking to or comments regarding other fishing websites/forums is not permitted without approval from the FSA Management Team and any threads/posts that contain such links or comments will be edited or removed.

  • Requests for information about Banned Members on why they were Banned will not be answered and any such posts will be removed without notice. The Banning of a member is a serious matter and is not up for discussion once the FSA Management Team has made a decision.

  • Any FSA member who makes derogatory comments about or any other FSA member on any other website or forum will forfeit their FSA membership which will be terminated immediately and without notice.

  • FSA Forum is not designed as a means for posting advertising for or on behalf of businesses, their products and or web promotions. Any forms of advertising postings or promotions will be immediately removed, without notice. Please review Our Business Listings Page for such submissions.

  • Should any posts be found that render either a direct or an implied substance of advertising, it will be, if deemed unsuitable by the FSA Management Team, edited or removed. This may also constitute the total removal of post or thread. The FSA Management Team reserves the right to either edit or remove said advertising from the post, or the post itself, without notice. Sponsors of this site however are afforded the privilege if not encouraged to promote their products and services, preferably within the Sponsorship Board.

  • FSA Forum is also not designed as a means for posting personal ads for trade, sale or wanted. Any forms of advertising postings or promotions will be immediately removed, and without notice. Please review Our Classifieds Boards for such submissions.

  • Random and periodic validity checks are to be made of all FSA Forum member's Email Addresses. A recent incident of abuse at FSA Forum has forced FSA to effectively ban a particular user, and has prompted FSA to instigate these checks. Rest assured your email accounts are kept in the strictest of confidence.

  • To ensure that FSA Forum has some means of suitable communication with its members, any member who does not continue to have a valid email account will be banned immediately, then removed from FSA Forum, without notice. These measures may appear draconian, but are unfortunately necessary, given the nature of the infringement involved.

  • Should any indiscretions or breach of the above regulations be made by any Forum Member at any time during the life of their Membership, this will instigate an immediate and complete audit and scrutiny of all current and past Posts and IMs by that Forum Member (which can be ascertained from file footprints and previous backups), so as to fully establish the level of breaches made by said Forum Member. A determination can then be made towards the continued membership of the offending Member at FSA Forum.

  • Please learn to be tolerating and support each other. Arguing is petty and leads to more hurt than anything. Be respectful of each other. This place is to help others, and to reach out for help. Lets keep it that way.

Any member who blatantly continues or persists to go against these policy rulings will have their membership placed automatically under review. This review can encompass a formal warning, postal muting, a temporary ban or membership removal, dependant upon the severity and repeated instances of breach of this policy.

If you are unsure about making a certain post, or activity in this Forum, please discuss it first with your Moderator, or Global Moderator. They are there to help you should you require it - just IM them if you like.

Please Respect Our Forum Rules.

FSA Forum Management Team

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PIRSA Fisheries
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1800 065 522
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08 8132 0430
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1900 969 975
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SA Coastal Waters
1900 969 975
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1900 926 144

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Comments to: Copyright © 1996-2007 Disclaimer Page last modified: 16th of December 2007.