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George Keros and his Children
[courtesy of Christo Dimoglides]

From: Christo Dimoglides
Sent: Tue 15/07/2003 9:56 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Fish Photo Good Friday Snapper - Georges Children1.jpg (323 KB)

My name is Chris Dimoglides EXCELLENT WEB SITE !!!!

Some Snapper caught of Port Broughton by my best mate George Keros (his first time out with me) George is a big boy over 6ft tall so you can appreciate how big the fish are

  • 1 x 15.5 kg
  • 1 x 14.5 kg

We joked saying we should had entered the Whyalla snapper comp as he would have got a place.

That was the start of a great Easter weekend as we caught a further 12 kg that day and ruggers and on Sunday I caught a 12kg and my other mate Aron caught a 10kg and a few ruggars

Kind regards
Chris D

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