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Peter Kerley with a well used Callop !

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Date:Sunday, 12 May 2002 20:11
From: Peter Kerley
To: Tom Poczman
Subject: Fishy Tale

The other night, Sue was going through our many boxes of old photos when she came across this photo which explains the story that follows.

A couple of years ago, my wife and I decided to treat ourselfs to a houseboat weekend. So we picked up one from the marina at Mannum. We ended up driving it to Swan Reach and back and decided on the last night to park a couple of kms from the marina so that we didn't have to drive it very far on the last morning.

Early Monday morning, I decided to do some fishing, but after a couple of hours without bites, I jumped in the heated spa. About ten minutes went by when next thing, the rods going of it's face, so I jumped out the spa and began cranking it in just as another houseboat cruises past.

So I ran to the landing yelling to my wife to fetch my pants, but instead she comes out with the camera to catch me in my glory. At least the well positioned fish was able to hide my manhood - lol lol.

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