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  About Tripod

Who is Tripod ? Has he ever caught a fish - where's the proof? What does he do for a crust? Well, you've come to the right place. Here, you will find some topics that will answer all your questions. and give you an insight to Coho, Chinook and Tripod.

Who am I

For those of you that don't know by now, my name is Tom Poczman, and I'm crazy about fishing. This fishing web site is my contribution to the WWW. I am 39 years of age, married to a top woman named Kerry, and have one terrific son, and a toy poodle ( not mine, but my son is allergic to dog and cat hair, not wool).

Hobbies & Interests

One of my most sacred joys in life is to indulge in the art of beach fishing with a couple of close mates code-named Coho (Steve "Harry, you've got tits" Harrington) and Chinook (Craig "Pure as the Driven Snow" Gillespie Anderson). On numerous occasions during the year, we head off to places such as Brown's Beach, Coffin & Fowler's Bay, and the Murray Mouth to catch fighting fish like Mulloway and Australian Salmon. Long gone are the days where you would go fishing with your mates, come back under the weather and nothing to show for. We now practice the art of "catch & release" of fish, and relish the thought of hooking onto something decent that will fight my 14' rod The Boss for at least 20 minutes. By then, your back is usually stuffed, and your dying for a beer or a swigges of scotches!!

If you haven't noticed, I christen my prized fishing possessions with a name once they have become successful, for example, I have a 220lt Bailey Box called Big Bertha, a 13ft overhead rod with an Abu 7000 reel called The Demon and my ultimate 14ft beach rod with a Bait Runner reel called The Boss, because the Boss lets the fish know who's Boss. I now have an Abu 6000c with an ugly stick called Junior, perfect for boat or jetty fishing.

Even though it may not be perceived as a hobby, but something I still enjoy, some of my time is spent working on our acreage and our new home. There's always something to do, whether it be welding, grinding, digging, concreting or putting up sheep fencing. Can't wait to get a couple of lambs (as instant lawn-mowers), name them "Lamb" & "Chops", put them on a spit and have a party !

Being involved in the IT profession, naturally some of my time would be spent playing with Novell, Win95, Linux, Unix and surfing the Web. Also fixing PC problems for your wife's friends takes some of my time. It's amazing to find how many "friends" you really have, when they find out what job your in. I suppose it beats being in your wife's bad book, and women can be assertive when they have to be !!

I've always had an interest in how a surfer interacts with a web site, how pages were designed, and how to write HTML code. Most if not all pages within fishSA have been written manually, and using HotDog Pro for verification. This may seem crazy to you, considering that I'm using a tool that can do all the work for me. I'm a firm believer that you should have an indepth knowledge of the environment your working in, so that debugging code can be possible, should mistakes occur within the web page.

My current job and responsibilities now involve the management and maintenance of web and proxy services, using Netscape, Apache, Harvest and Squid on SGI and HP Unix platforms. This effectively is the other side of the coin of the WWW, and gives me now an insight in the behind the scenes look of caching, user authentication, and ISP provisions. My learning curve is currently hyperbolic, and does take up a lot of my time. And I must say, I am enjoying it as well.

As an IT professional, one deals with many people on a professional level, and at the same time, develops a kinship with those that you work with close. Over the years, I would have to say that there is one person that I relate to both personally and professionally to, and whether it be LAN/WAN protocol and administration, or tight, secure environments within educational institutions in South Australia. Murray Rogers, I salute you, and its a shame you despise fishing, or for that matter eating it as well. Fancy his wife Jules despising fish as well. How can one not come to terms with feasting on a webered snapper, stuffed with onion, bacon, lemon and seasoning with roasted spuds, pumpkin, onions and carrots. To be honest, he has a sports VR Commodore, and wishes to paint Peter Brock's .05 number on it ..... a petrol head !!

Sometimes read a couple of trekkie novels a night. Picked up speed reading during my Uni days, and the knack hasn't died yet. Don't you love it when the TV stations put the time slots forward on all the Startrek Voyager, ST:TNG and ST:TOS programs to 11.00pm. No wonder we all look like death warmed up the next day for work.

Academic Certification

     Matriculation Certificate
     Associate Diploma in Surveying
     Final Year Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering
     Accredited with numerous Music Certificates (Practical & Theory) in Pianoforte

     Associate Diploma in Information Systems
     Associate Diploma in Computing
     Advanced Certificate in Microcomputer Management
     Certificate in Microcomputer Support
     Advanced Certificate in Computing
     Certificate in Systems Analysis
     Certificate in Business Systems Analysis
     Certificate in Programming
     Certificate in COBOL Programming
     Associate Diploma in Computer Applications
     Netware 3.1x Administration
     Netware 3.1x Advanced Administration
     Netware 4.x Administration
     Netware 4.x Advanced Administration

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