
Av-a Go Expo - Volunteers

The Inaugural and Exciting Av-a GO Expo is seeking volunteers, who are willing to give up some personal time assisting in areas of setups and promotions, workshop, demonstrations of products.

The requirements sought from potential Volunteer Staff are relatively simple, as is the degree and type of work and activity being offered.

Infact, this may be The Opportunity for you to venture into the world of fishing, sales and merchandising, potentially creating a sound foundation in this direction.

By meeting with such experts at Av-a GO Expo, it offers you the chance to gain a valuable insight into marketing strategies, promotions, and their product base.

We URGENTLY Need Volunteers, in all shapes, sizes, gender and form ! 
Do you enjoy meeting new people and getting involved in special events ?
Do you have some spare time and don't know what to do with yourself ?
Do you want to enjoy some GREAT DAYS OUT with the Family ?
Do you get excited thinking about fishing, tackle, rods & reels ?
Would you like to help out at the Inaugural Av-a GO Expo ?

Volunteers Wanted
We Need
You !
This is a Great Opportunity for You !


  • Having any degree of “The Gift of the Gab” in various aspects of Angling and Fishing.
  • Outgoing, Talkative, proactively help in promoting Merchandise at stands.
  • Assist in ensuring Display Merchandise is Secure and Monitored at all times.
  • Help the General Public in Directions and Physical Site Navigation.
  • Assist Little Old Ladies, wherever and whenever, infact, assist ANYONE who needs it !
  • Know where the Food and Drink Amenities are, as well as the “Loos” ! It's the first thing people will ask !

Incenstives and Rewards [Successful Applicants]

  • Meeting new people and discussing your favourite topics and having a Great Time !
  • A sense of achievement towards making Av-a GO Expo a Success !
  • Clothing and Paraphernalia provided to each Volunteer.
  • Opportunities to buy Merchandise at Extra Special Prices.
  • Food and Refreshments provided for the day.
  • Both You and your Immediate Family are entitled to a Site Pass, for the duration of your Volunteer Work.
  • An Av-a GO Expo Free Fishing Charter, only for Volunteers, generously provided by the "one and only" John Winslet, from John Winslet Fishing-Charter & Tuition.

Contact Us NOW !
Interested Parties are asked to fill out the form below, so as a Follow-Up contact by an Av-a GO Expo Organiser can be made with you.

This Follow-Up will discuss your Submission and to address any further enquiries that you may have.

Enter Your Contact Details : 
Your Name :    
Email Address :    
Voice Phone :  
(include area code)  
   B/H  A/H
Mobile Phone :    B/H  A/H

Any Comments, Concerns or Issues regarding your potential participation in the Av-a GO Expo :

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