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Recreational Fishing Licences - Viewers Responses

For several months now, I have received numerous emails regarding my story on Recreational Fishing Licenses. The sentiment if not common factor in all the emails are:

  • distrust of the government - hidden agendas.
  • fear that 100% of monies collected will not be funnelled fully back into recreational fishing.
  • address the Carp infestation in our river systems.
  • address problems pertaining to Murray River/Mouth.
  • buy-back scheme for commercial fishing licenses.

Infact, the last point was vehemently addressed from within several emails, of which the following addresses several points to ponder on, those being

  • highlight the wastage of by catch.
  • the government's main customer/revenue is commercial fishing licenses
  • Ensure that the Elderly & Minors are not slugged the full fishing levy - Compassion Factor !!

One such email bears display verbatim from a Fishing Charter Operator who wishes to remain anonymous.

............. As a local SA Charter Operator, I have to disagree with your opinion on recreational licences, only on the condition that the money raised went back into recreational fishing. We desperately need to decrease net fishing in this state, the sooner the better.

Some 400,000 SA anglers, less pensioners & children , say 300,000 anglers at $ 20 each = six million dollars in the first year, less extra fisheries officers to police the licences , say five million dollars in the first year = result for the first year BUY ALL THE NET LICENCES IN THE COORONG AND LET SOME MULLOWAY BREED.

Second year, buy some of the shark licences out (most of these fishermen would be quite happy to sell if someone would buy them) then the by catch of Snapper, Nannagi, Trevally etc. might not just get kicked over the side - I've seen it, tons of fish every year. Some of these boats carry 4km of net. I have no objections to long liners as there catch is not so harmful to by catch.

I don't trust politicians either, but if they were to follow Victoria's example and spend the 7 million first, I would be quite happy to spend my $20 so my customers & myself could go and find a good catch.

Danny Simpson told me at a recreational fishing meeting THE PROFESSIONAL FISHERMAN GIVE THEIR LICENCE FEES TO THE GOVERNMENT SO THEIR THE ONES THEY LOOK AFTER, THE REC FISHERMEN DON'T GIVE THEM ANYTHING. Who do you think pays the fisheries department. The fishing in this state is in a rapid decline and we need to do something to turn it around I see less & less fish every year ..............

After reviewing the response from Danny Simpson, Manager PIRSA on fishing licenses, I would be prepared to pay a yearly fishing levy, with the following provisions

  • Assurances given by government that all monies collected flow back into recreational fishing management.
  • Politicians to fully disclose, on a yearly basis, financial statements and revenue expenditure from fishing levy collections - keep the bastards honest !!
  • Identify penalties for infringements.
  • Identify Point of Sale (POS) for recreational fishing licenses.
  • Introduce a reduced fee for the elderly and minors.
  • Actively pursue a buy-back scheme for commercial fishing licenses.
  • Address and resolve the Murray Mouth Problem.
  • Formulate and promote fish re-stocking agendas for both fresh and saltwater species.

Something is desperately needed to address the problems that this state is currently experiencing in its river systems and fish stocks. Danny Simpson's comments, though politically correct and showing some degree of foresight, still leaves questions unanswered as to how all this will impact on the general public.

Irrespective of this, I believe that Danny has taken a step forward to sensibly addressing and with a degree of sensitivity, informing us of generic proposals currently being considered through a wide range of discussions and forums

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