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Brown's Beach

Brown's Beach, Yorke Peninsula

This shot of Brown's Beach was taken from the car park, which sits above the beach, on top of the cliff face. As can be seen, the beach holds a lagoon, which at high tide, salmon come in to feed and shelter from the rough surf.

The path down to the beach is quite solid, but can be a hard slog due to its steep slope when coming back up with a haul of fish. The sand is extremely soft, but walking along the waters edge offers more compact sand and ease of walk. Also, walking behind your mate and in his foot prints is a great help !

Brown's Beach Lagoon Area

This shot of the Lagoon at Brown's Beach highlights some good areas of where you could try and catch salmon.

The Deep Hole that can be fished off the Rock Ledge. The Main Beach is the main stretch of sandy beach that most fishermen use during the late afternoon and evening to catch the salmon. The Headland is a long way off, and beyond which is another reef which runs parallel to the shore line for about 300 metres. We normally fish just past this reef during the early afternoon, then we work our way back to the Main Beach.

The Deep Hole can also provide good catches of mullet, but when fishing this area, and be wary of snags due to rock formations on the bottom. I have seen divers in this area, swimming and searching for lost and snagged lures, weights and rigs.

The arrows depict the direction in which the salmon enter the lagoon during the high tide. They swim thru the Main Beach area, and head towards the southern exit of the lagoon thru the Deep Hole, past the Rocky Ledge. During the low tide mark, you can actually walk on the Outer Reef and fish there, by trekking towards the Headland, and work your way back onto the Outer Reef. But be wary when the tide turns, or you could end up very wet !

Also peruse a write up on Brown's Beach within the Reviews area.

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